White willow bark and its use in dogs

beneficios de la corteza de sauce

The good health of a dog is essential for his well-being, and sometimes natural remedies can heal or prevent problems and health issues.


Natural remedies have accompanied us throughout history and sometimes it is a wise choice to start with natural products before using pharma products right away with any problem. Not every health issue requires a drug, neither all sickness can be treated with natural products. Nutraceuticals are suitable above all to prevent illness and improve general health conditions. Drugs normally make sense when there is a severe pathology, and an immediate improvement is needed.


Within the range of natural products there is a wide variety for all kind of therapeutic areas, but in this case, we are going to have a look at white willow bark, known for its medicinal properties and used in many cultures to treat a large number of conditions thanks to its anti-inflammatory and antipyretic properties.


White willow bark is the part found on the surface of the tree, on the stem or trunk, and bears a certain resemblance to cinnamon when harvested.


Over the years, numerous scientific studies have shown that willow bark has benefits for humans, as well as for animals.


Several properties are attributed to this product, among which we can highlight:


– Analgesic properties.

– It is a natural anticoagulant.

– It has anti-inflammatory properties.

– It is a natural antipyretic (used to reduce fever)

– It can be used as an astringent ingredient.


All these properties derive from an element that is present in the willow bark, salicin, from which salicylic acid is extracted, the same as aspirin, hence its great utility.


Does white willow bark have contraindications?


Like any medicine and any natural remedy, this product can cause adverse effects, especially when the dose used is not adequate or when there are other serious health conditions.


Some of the contraindications are:


– It is not recommended for people or animals allergic to aspirin.

– It may increase the risk of bleeding.

– If there is an existing kidney problem, it is not recommended to use willow bark.


For this reason, you should know well the health of your dog before introducing a new product and make sure it is well tolerated.


In conclusion, white willow bark has many benefits for the dog’s health and is widely used, but even so, it is recommended to always con Some of the contraindications are:


– It is not recommended for people or animals allergic to aspirin.

– It may increase the risk of bleeding.

– If there is an existing kidney problem, it is not recommended to take willow bark.


For this reason, you should be well aware of your dog´s state of health and possible allergies and always try in a small dose when introducing any new product in your dog’s diet.


In conclusion, white willow bark has many benefits for dogs and can be of benefit for its health, but even so, it is recommended to always check with your vet before using a new product.


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